Citizens of Dallas County, Family and Friends:
Greetings! It’s that time again and I've had an amazing first term as your Judge of Dallas County Criminal Court No. 7! DCCC 7 has continued to provide significant service to the community during this unprecedented time that the COVID-19 pandemic affected us all.
Our Court remained open to serve during the pandemic through means of technology and limited physical presence in the courtroom according to federal, state and county guidelines. Although COVID-19 gave us unforeseen challenges, it didn’t stop us from carrying on the duties and responsibilities that you entrusted this Court to complete.
Before and during the pandemic, we partnered with organizations to provide training, employment and resources to individuals that had pending cases and/or were out on bond.
To effectuate the court process during the pandemic, the Court provided virtual, in-person, and hybrid hearings to ensure attorneys and their clients received assistance. The Court provided a system to limit the interaction of the public; however, we continued to dispose of as many cases as possible under the circumstances. We also offered other resources when needed to provide fair and equal justice. Although we were challenged, we continued to do what you elected us to do.
The road thus far hasn’t been easy, but we kept our commitment to promoting compassion, fairness, and Justice with Integrity. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve Dallas County with humility and integrity, while being held accountable for my judicial actions and decisions. I hope I have met or exceeded your expectations and gained your trust.
As the voters' choice in 2018, I value each voter's opinion and trust their choice. I am on a mission to continue upholding my commitments to Dallas County and will continue to serve accordingly. We still have work to do, so I am asking for your vote and trust once again during the 2022 Midterm Elections to continue serving as your Presiding Judge of Dallas County Criminal Court No. 7.
Yours in Service,
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With over 20 years of experience in the judicial system and the last four as a Presiding Judge of DCCC No. 7, Judge Edwards believes in the importance of a fair court system with integrity. She also knows the justice system can help people change their lives for the better. That’s why she’ll keep working to make our courts more transparent, fair and accessible for all the citizens of Dallas County.